Why is it OK for the British to have a commission on why Great Britain went to war in Iraq and we can not? I don't know if I want George Bush et al to be indited at this time. I want a commission to find out what truly was known. If there were misleading statements made by anyone who was involved in the start up and invasion of Iraq or laws broken the people of The United States need to know the truth. Then there should be public hearings just like the British are conducting. If the ex Prime Minister of the UK can testify on what he knows then George W Bush needs to go under the same scrutiny?
There has been a great deal of speculation on who knew what and when. The public needs to hear what happened and when and then if laws were broken and if the commission recommends the Justice Department to get involved the Attorney General needs to call for a special prosecutor and proceed with indictments.
I know the Right wing will say I am piling on George W, but I am not. The Republicans are the ones who lowered the bar on what should be investigated when they sought to Impeach Bill Clinton for having a sexual indiscretion. Going to war under false pretenses is a far more serious crime than getting a blow job in the oval office and lying about it.
Think of all the havoc the two wars have placed on our society. The wars are a direct reason we are in 3 trillion dollars in debt. The Bush administration created this money hungry monster and although the housing market collapse has nothing to do with the war it does relate to the current deficit via Tarp and Stimulus spending to right the economic ship of the country. The recession was created by bad economic policies that go back to Ronald Reagan. Of the past Presidential Terms going back to Jimmy Carter, Republican Presidents have out spent Democratic Presidents and added more to the deficit. Not one Democratic President created more debt than any of the Republican Presidents. In fact Reagan, Bush I and II created more debt and spent more money than any Democratic president going back to JFK.
So lets make our leaders accountable for their actions. If its OK for the Britts it should be OK with us.
There has been a great deal of speculation on who knew what and when. The public needs to hear what happened and when and then if laws were broken and if the commission recommends the Justice Department to get involved the Attorney General needs to call for a special prosecutor and proceed with indictments.
I know the Right wing will say I am piling on George W, but I am not. The Republicans are the ones who lowered the bar on what should be investigated when they sought to Impeach Bill Clinton for having a sexual indiscretion. Going to war under false pretenses is a far more serious crime than getting a blow job in the oval office and lying about it.
Think of all the havoc the two wars have placed on our society. The wars are a direct reason we are in 3 trillion dollars in debt. The Bush administration created this money hungry monster and although the housing market collapse has nothing to do with the war it does relate to the current deficit via Tarp and Stimulus spending to right the economic ship of the country. The recession was created by bad economic policies that go back to Ronald Reagan. Of the past Presidential Terms going back to Jimmy Carter, Republican Presidents have out spent Democratic Presidents and added more to the deficit. Not one Democratic President created more debt than any of the Republican Presidents. In fact Reagan, Bush I and II created more debt and spent more money than any Democratic president going back to JFK.
So lets make our leaders accountable for their actions. If its OK for the Britts it should be OK with us.