
Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day America! Labor Day is the workers day. A day of saying thanks for a job well done. That is what Labor Day is about, to honor the American worker. To honor the workers who built this country.

The American worker has been maligned for decades by the Right Wing of the Republican Party. They have told the world American workers are over priced and lazy, our cars outdated and inefficient , our teachers don’t teach, and State workers are living on the Government tit.

This was not just idle bad mouthing. This was the long term plan, to take American jobs out of the country and privatize all public sector jobs. If you are a worker and you get payroll taxes taken out of your pay and you vote Republican, you are a bloody fool.

Do you think your pension or employment is secure? Cops, Fireman, Teachers, and all public sector workers are at jeopardy because state tax collections are substantially down and Republicans want to privatize your job.

The Scumbaggers who believe the Stimulus did nothing are so bloody wrong. It saved the jobs of 3+ Million people. The jobs which were saved by the Stimulus are the same jobs that are in jeopardy next summer.

The Stimulus worked, problem was it was not big enough and it did not attack the root problem of job creation. The Republicans have been totally wrong in their assumption that the Rich are the Job Creators. The Rich keep their money in their investments. None of which created any jobs under George W Bush or Barack Obama.

Since the New Deal, America grew to be “The World Power,” on the backs of the American worker. The Hoover Dam, The George Washington Bridge, The Bay Bridge Tunnel and the Interstate Highway system are all examples of what American workers can do when the Government takes the lead. The more the Government takes the lead on job creation the better off the country.

Obama must be bold on Thursday. Obama must be strong. He must tell the American people he is not going to let John Boehner, Eric Cantor and The Republicans stand in his way of demanding for a National Investment in the Future of America and the American worker. He needs to tell the American people we are going to build our way out of this recession just like FDR and the Democrats did in the 1930’s.

The Republicans are so small minded. They are even knocking the vision of fast trains and solar power as pipe dreams and foolish. This is the same mentality that believes in creationism, and our weather is just nature way.

The only way we will get out of this mess is by restoring America to its greatness. America has to build its way out of this hole. Not shrink back into the dark ages. The Republicans want to take us back in time to an America that is seeped in racism, greed and poverty.

At no time in American history did the country’s middle class grow bigger and stronger than in the years from 1935-1970. The middle class grew out of the “Works Programs” of the 1930’s. As Government sponsored building programs took hold, then and only then did the private sector come into the mix as investors, sub contractors and services for the workers and the new communities created by the projects.

America is at a cross roads. Do we take the path of The Republicans, the path of anti science, intolerance, close mindedness, racism and small thinking? Or does America build its way out of “The Great Recession” and boldly reclaim America as the Greatest Democracy on the Planet. I believe the choice is easy. I want to live in an America that honors the American Worker. I do not want to live in an America where more and more Americans are pushed into poverty by the profits of the Rich.

Power to the People!

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