The revelation about Mitt Romney’s wealth and tax rate has left many in the middle class scratching their head and wondering does this man have a real understanding of how 160 million Americans have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income.
The other day he stated he made $375K last year in his words “not a lot of money.” It is not a lot of money considering Alex Rodriguez made more money from wages than he did, but to most members of the middle class its lottery size money. This of course was not his only income for 2011 he also made $21 million dollars just on his “blind trust.”
I have no envy or resentment of Mitt Romney’s wealth god bless him and his kind for all the luck and good fortune bestowed on them, but please don’t act like you and I are anything alike. Elizabeth Warren said it best when she started her Senatorial bid.
There is not a person in this country that got where they are by themselves. Mitt Romney said he received no help from anyone. That is hard to believe since his father owned American Motors and was Governor of Michigan. I am sure his dad did not let him take out student loans for his Prep School or his University and Harvard degrees?
George H W Bush was criticized because he did not know what a scanning devise was at a grocery store. This is much worse because Romney says he is a business man and knows everything in the world about how business' run, blah, blah, blah.
Romney knows nada, zilch, squat about what I or any other member of the 99% live like, or how we struggle monthly if not daily, for many of the poor of the poor. I bet he does not know grocery prices are up over 5% in the last 12 months. I bet he does not know, on average the middle class makes less today than they did 40 years ago in real dollars.
The disparity between Mitt Romney and the rest of the country is growing daily. For a man like Mitt and his friends worrying about how next month’s fuel bill will be paid or picking between food and medicine, like so many of our elderly citizens have to do, is something they have never experienced, it is not in their schema, they have no reference points to make a connection to the real lives of the American people.
When you look real close at Mitt Romney’s wealth you see a man who has not wanted for anything in his life except one thing The Presidency of the United States and from what he has said in the past and what he has said recently, I hear a man who will say anything to get elected to that office.
This is an issue with Blue Collar and White Collar American workers. There is no clear understanding on how he legitimately made his money. What services did he perform and for who? It has come to light via his 2011 tax return that much of his money is hid in off shore in Caribbean and European Banks. Mitt has criticized President Obama for wanting to be like a European Socialist but who had Swiss bank accounts.
A review by the Los Angeles Times/Tribune Washington Bureau found 23 funds and partnerships listed in Romney's 2010 tax returns did not show up or were not listed in the same fashion on Romney's most recent financial disclosure, including 11 based in low-tax foreign countries such as Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg.
I am sure Mitt Romney follows the letter of the tax code, using every advantage he has to reduce his tax burden just like many Americans do. The problem lies with his investments, those European and Caribbean Banks he has stashed money in, are using his investment money to possible hurt the United States. Just like American banks use investor’s money for projects that will grow our country, the European banks could be funding projects that have short term and long term affects on our economy and work force. This is very evident in factories and work forces being re located in Eastern Europe and Mexico.
I do not think George Romney would have moved American Motors to Mexico to make more profit but it is very obvious Mitt Romney would and that comes down to loyalty not only to the American worker but in America. It is not in America’s best interest to have factories and plants being moved to other countries as part of an outsourcing program to increase investor’s capital gain. Romney’s profit at all cost attitude leaves a big hole in the hearts of the American workers who have lost jobs because of people just like him.
When it comes down to brass tacks a man’s word and his convictions are all he has. If you take away the starched white shirt and suit Romney has neither. A man who would not blink at any deal that made his cronies and himself money. That right there is the rub. I do not want a suit deciding my fate or the fate of any other member of the 99% as President of the United States. I want a person who has morals, convictions and principals. Mitt Romney has broken his social contract with society and the middle class and we owe him no favors.
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