There we were Easter Sunday morning, birds were awakening, the sun rose and Christians all over the world were celebrating the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God. The faith of over one billion people hinges on this one premise. Priest, Ministers and Pastors all over the world lead their flocks through ritualistic ceremonies reenacting the rising from the dead of Jesus of Nazareth, as the risen Son of God.
Rejoice, Halleluiah, Christ has risen was sung from all around the world by people of all races, colors and ethnic origin. The word of god as they know it will be read and talked about and analyzed in prayer and sermons.
What was started by first twelve apostles of Jesus has spread to every corner of the world. Twelve men and their families all Jews, as was Jesus of Nazareth a Jew, a member of Royalty, from the House of David. The story of Jesus was spread from Jew to Jew. Jesus’ ministry was ministered to the Jews, no one else. Jesus the Rabbi held a Passover Seder the night before he died. It was at this Passover Seder Jesus broke bread and drank wine and told his flock to be one and to spread his words of love.
Jews, Middle Eastern Jews, born and raised in Palestine were the founders of Christianity. They looked very much like the Palestinians of today. Fishermen mostly, who made their living on the Sea of Galilee.
Up until this point in time faith was determined by your tribe. Rabbis did not go out and preach to non Jews. Jesus changed that with his teachings of spreading the good news, that there is a better way, a way for all people to live as one — to love each other as one being, to be connected in harmony. Instead of an eye for an eye, Jesus taught his flock to turn the other cheek, to win over your enemies with love.
Easter Sunday 2012, some people went to church and sang and prayed to god and felt really good about themselves, that god is shinning down on them because they believe in Jesus of Nazareth. Their pastors told them to go in peace and spread the good news, that Christ has risen. They drove home, had Sunday dinner with family and friends and maybe someone made a racist, bigoted or sexist remark. They sat down at their dining table and asked god to bless them, their families and their bounty and at that table, maybe someone declared their hatred for someone, some group or someone’s thinking. The words they heard during Easter service are distant memories faded by the realities of hatred. Hatred based on the color of a man’s skin, his ethnic origin or his beliefs.
Rejoice, Halleluiah, Christ has risen was sung from all around the world by people of all races, colors and ethnic origin. The word of god as they know it will be read and talked about and analyzed in prayer and sermons.
What was started by first twelve apostles of Jesus has spread to every corner of the world. Twelve men and their families all Jews, as was Jesus of Nazareth a Jew, a member of Royalty, from the House of David. The story of Jesus was spread from Jew to Jew. Jesus’ ministry was ministered to the Jews, no one else. Jesus the Rabbi held a Passover Seder the night before he died. It was at this Passover Seder Jesus broke bread and drank wine and told his flock to be one and to spread his words of love.
Jews, Middle Eastern Jews, born and raised in Palestine were the founders of Christianity. They looked very much like the Palestinians of today. Fishermen mostly, who made their living on the Sea of Galilee.
Up until this point in time faith was determined by your tribe. Rabbis did not go out and preach to non Jews. Jesus changed that with his teachings of spreading the good news, that there is a better way, a way for all people to live as one — to love each other as one being, to be connected in harmony. Instead of an eye for an eye, Jesus taught his flock to turn the other cheek, to win over your enemies with love.
Easter Sunday 2012, some people went to church and sang and prayed to god and felt really good about themselves, that god is shinning down on them because they believe in Jesus of Nazareth. Their pastors told them to go in peace and spread the good news, that Christ has risen. They drove home, had Sunday dinner with family and friends and maybe someone made a racist, bigoted or sexist remark. They sat down at their dining table and asked god to bless them, their families and their bounty and at that table, maybe someone declared their hatred for someone, some group or someone’s thinking. The words they heard during Easter service are distant memories faded by the realities of hatred. Hatred based on the color of a man’s skin, his ethnic origin or his beliefs.
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